Monday, December 3, 2007

Website Evaluation I

  1. Name of Website:

· Online Trombone Journal

  1. Web Site Address:


  1. Copyright date and//or last update:

  1. Author/Organization credentials:

· Richard Human, Jr. Founder

  1. Web site design and ease of use:

We venture back into the realm of user-friendly websites. This web site has a very inviting home page presentation. One is not overwhelmed by an overabundance of information. On the left-hand side of the page, one will find recent news; however, this news is only in the form of a caption. The link takes you to a page devoted to the news story. The site has a great search bar. The bar does not take you away from the site. It keeps you within the site. (Which is an added bonus.) There are drop down boxes for events, classifieds, directories, and a trombone journal. The site has a great deal of articles written by the best musicians on the instrument. Also, the site boasts the best forum for trombone players on the entire web. This has proven beneficial to my education. I will explain this in further detail later.

  1. My response for use:

The trombone website is a great factor in my musical education. I feel that if I can learn from this site, my students may also do the same thing. The best part for other music educators is this; you have access to some of the world’s best teachers. You can aim all of your questions right at them. I think aspiring band directors should take the time to ask questions. Honestly, we do not bite. Secondly, there is a fantastic link to classified instruments. Here, you can find instruments for you beginning, intermediate and even advanced students. You can find all the other materials such as mouthpieces. You have a great assortment of material from which to choose. Don’t know which to buy? Ask your question on the form. There is also a directory of trombonist in all symphonies in the United States. Let us say you have a student whom is willing to take private lessons. One can come to this site and search for a trombonist in the area. The site also has extensive archives of material that spans from the beginning of the web site to the present. Here you can search for information, not only pertinent to teaching of the trombone, but to teaching music in general. This is my favorite site to browse. I always find something useful for myself and for my students. I feel that other music educators can do the same.

Website Evaluation II

  1. Name of Website:
    • Association of Texas Small School Bands

  1. Web Site Address:


  1. Copyright date and//or last update:

· October 29, 2007

  1. Author/Organization credentials:

· Kenneth Griffin, Executive Secretary

  1. Web site design and ease of use:

The ATSSB website has a great amount of information at the music educator’s disposal. Unfortunately, the site is not in a very easily manageable order. The site has a nice side bar that allows the reader to venture into the depths of the site. There are updates to the site splattered across the front pages. It reads like the comics of the newspaper. You really do not know where to send your eyes next. The colors are rather distracting as well. They are obviously there to help the reader distinguish different articles. On the other side of the page you will find links to region web sites. This is one of the best parts of the page. It lends you a way by which to easily navigate to your region’s website without typing the ridiculous URL. The site has loads of information that is used for all-state auditions. There is a portion for feedback that I have used on a regular basis. There is a link to the ATSSB handbook. Also, there is a link to a job board.

  1. My response for use:

I feel that this site should be used as often as possible. Even though it is rather difficult to understand, with some practice, one may be able to find their way around the site. This site is mainly devoted to band directors of smaller schools in the state of Texas. (1A-3A) You can find information about all-state audition materials. You can also find known errata in music. The site gives you a great directory of members. One can use the site to find the phone number and or email to the band director in Anytown, Texas. As mentioned earlier, the band director can easily navigate from this site to the regional band site. There is a vast amount of information posted on these links that are obviously not posted on the main page. The educator should use these aspects of the page to avoid missing important deadlines. These deadlines could be important entries into contests, festivals, and conferences. It also gives you links to newsletters. These newsletters are the official publications of the website. Here you find articles written by well-known Texas teachers.

Website Evaluation III

  1. Name of Website:
    • The Midwest Clinic

  1. Web Site Address:

  1. Copyright date and//or last update:
    • October 28,2007

  1. Author/Organization credentials:
    • Headed North, Inc.

  1. Web site design and ease of use:

The most impressive aspect of this website is its look. The site has a very ‘clean’ look. Everything is placed in its specific location for the absolute maximum effect. Like the TMEA website, this site has a fantastic assortment of drop down boxes. Here you can find all the information you need about this wonderful convention. The site does not present many links within the texts of the home page. You have to use the drop down boxes in order to find the information needed. Within these boxes’ pages, you can find links within text that will help you easily navigate from one part of the web site to another. One of the outstanding aspects of the page is the search bar. The web site has a search bar that is on every page. You cannot get away from this thing! It gives you easy access to obscure information that would normally be difficult to find. Within each page, you find the ability to send individual pages. You are also given the option to print a printer friendly version of the page at which you are looking. There is a great FAQ portion of the website as well. There are great answers to those questions you may not think are that frequently asked.

  1. My response for use:

The Midwest Clinic is considered one of the best music education conferences in the United States, possibly the World. Here on its web site, you will find all types of information. You can find information on the conference itself. You can even find housing and transportation while you are in Chicago. There is a drop box that gives you information about the performers. Here you can find information on how to enroll your ensemble in the prestigious convention. You can find podcasts, videos, mp3’s and pictures. This is a great site to find those obscure recordings for which you have been searching. The resources drop down gives you access to a large archive of prior convention happenings. It gives you a list of exhibitors, performers, and lecturers. Here you can find that lost clinic handout you misplaced in baggage. One should use this site for these handouts alone. You have access to a wealth of knowledge. People who have been the real world are doing everything possible to share what years of hardships and experiences have taught them.

Website Evaluation IV

  1. Name of Website:
    • MENC: The National Association for Music Education

  1. Web Site Address:

  1. Copyright date and//or last update:
    • October 19,2007

  1. Author/Organization credentials:
    • Trinh Hoang, Chief Technology Officer

  1. Web site design and ease of use:

This site is a treasure trove of information and knowledge. This site, unlike the TMEA web site, has contributions from educators across the country. This site has all the information on the home page. It gives you many links. Essentially, what they have done is to set the site map on the home page. You know what the site essentially has to offer. You simply have to dig around within the desired link. Like the TMEA web site, you can find information on how to join. You will find information about conferences, books, calendars, and other musical ventures. You can also find information on festivals. This site has a great staff. They are easily reached. Unlike many sites, the staff responds promptly. They are more than eager to help bring a solution to any problem that may arise. The site also breaks the divisions into a more broad scope.

  1. My response for use:

This is another important site for educators. Here you find information that pertains to the entire country as opposed to just the state. You can find information about apparel. Every band has to find marching uniforms. Here you can find a list of vendors who are more than willing to take your money. It also gives you a list of people who have donated generously to the site and to music education. These people donate to many ensemble gatherings throughout the year. Without their generous contributions, we could not function at the capacity we enjoy today. The site has a great link to many musical periodicals and journals. You have up to the minute information published in your favorite magazine. The site also has pod casts. These pod casts range from news conferences dealing with music education to the video of the winning marching band at the Hershey’s Invitational. Under the pressroom link, you find information concerning the standings of education in your state. As a music educator, I feel it is imperative we look at this portion of the page as often as possible. I feel we owe it to ourselves and to our students to make sure we do not falter on our goals of music education. The page has a link for “Information on Music Education.” This is one of the few places I have seen that gives you some suggestions on how to teach music. What the site has given you is a troubleshooting manual. This has proven quite valuable in some of my past experiences. It is quite simple to reference this link.

Website Evaluation V

  1. Name of website:
    • Texas Music Educators Association

  1. Web Site Address:

  1. Copyright date and/or publication:
    • October 3,2007

  1. Author/Organization credentials:
    • Karen Kneten, Communications Manager

  1. Web site design and ease of navigation:

First and foremost, this is the absolute most important site for music educators in the state of Texas. The web site boasts seven fantastic drop down menus. These menus relate to each respective area of music education: band, orchestra, and choir. In the drop down box entitled “Menu”, you will find information about employment. You will find a link to a message board. You also find information about membership into this wonderful organization. Finally, you will find the goals and expectations of the organization. The next box you will find is entitled “Resource Center.” There you will find information about advocacy. You will find information pertaining to the correlation of higher SAT scores with a student’s involvement in a musical ensemble. This is great ‘ammo’ for those heated debates with administration. You then find information about the above-mentioned divisions of music in Texas. This gives you information pertaining to region and district meetings. It also gives you up to date happenings in your area. You then find information on the annual convention. Lastly, there is a drop down for student information. This web site lends itself quite well to the computer ‘novice.’ The site is easy to navigate. It is quite easy to find the material for which you are looking. The site map is also great. It lays it out there for you page by page.

  1. My response for use:

I feel it is necessary for every music educator to visit this site bi-weekly. There is a constant flow of information that is relevant to many of our teaching careers. The portion of the page devoted entirely to advocacy is reason enough to wander here. We will always fight a battle dealing with why our programs are needed. This gives great advice on how to go about defending what we value so dearly. Once again, the site gives great information on what is happening around us. We have a great job board on this site. You have the ability to look up jobs from all schools in the state. Sometimes, you find job listings from other states as well. You find valuable information relating to scholarships. You can find educational money for some students. This money could open the doors for someone who otherwise never would have considered college as an option. Lastly, there is a section devoted to the convention. This is the absolute best time to ‘network.’ It’s not about what you know, but whom you know.